Winston Morton
Make a Move
Our CEO is excited to help you implement the Climative solution to help you meet your net-zero goals.

Homeowners connect with an energy advisor remotely via video for data collection and retrofit coaching.
Energy advisor enters data in real-time, giving near-instant insights and recommendations.
The home energy report is available in a web-based portal, so homeowners can easily access, share, and update the information.
3X efficiency is achieved with an easy workflow that includes an AI-powered pre-assessment, easy web-based portal, and reduced travel time.
In a pilot with EfficiencyOne and the Nova Scotia Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing, remote home energy assessments showed dramatic advantages compared to on-site assessments.
Click rate for first-touch emails that contain an AI-powered home energy pre-assessment, compared to emails that do not.
Virtual and remote assessments are accurate, matching on-site retrofit recommendations by 93% in some categories.
Average EnerGuide assessment takes 7 hours, compared to 2 hours for remote. Includes the assessment, modeling, admin, and travel time.
From emails promoting a remote (video) assessment compared to promoting an on-site assessment.
Homeowner satisfaction with remote assessment experience was high – rated 9.5/10 on average in the Pilot.
Our CEO is excited to help you implement the Climative solution to help you meet your net-zero goals.
Climative provides a collaborative AI-assisted data platform for organizations to enable personalized advice and offers to building owners, taking the guesswork out of building upgrades and transforming the low carbon economy.