Climative builds low carbon plans
webinar home energy ratings labels climative clean air partnership

Upcoming Webinar: Home Energy Emissions Ratings and Labels with Clean Air Partnership, City of Ottawa, and PEI

Climative has partnered with the Clean Air Partnership for a webinar sharing the efforts taking place in Prince Edward Island (PEI) and the City of Ottawa to advance residential home energy/emissions ratings as well as the important role labelling plays in building the needed ecosystem to drive scale up of retrofits.

Click here to register for the webinar taking place October 16th 11AM ET. 

Glen Compton from the province of PEI and Aaron Thornell from City of Ottawa will be joined by Climative to highlight their labelling efforts and how it fits into overall retrofit programs and efforts.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is designed for community leaders (municipalities, states, provinces, counties, etc.) interested in driving citizen climate action to meet net-zero goals. Home energy labeling is a powerful and proven means to educate citizens and drive energy efficiency retrofits. Learn how two progressive Canadian regions are launching home energy labeling programs to accelerate the decarbonization of homes.

About the Clean Air Partnership

Clean Air Partnership (CAP) is a charitable environmental organization launched in June, 2000. They enable communities to improve air quality, advance active transportation, and take bold climate action. CAP convenes networks, leads research and knowledge transfer, and catalyzes transformative action.

Picture of Jenny Keleher

Jenny Keleher

Jenny is a marketing professional with successes in home sustainability, biotechnology, agriculture, and more. She loves translating technology into stories and using stories to build communities.


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